Sunday 11 September 2011

'Wiley - Numbers In Action' Music Video Analysis

I have chosen to analyse this video as it is very simplistic yet effective, using only a few camera shots. The effects used are visually impressive, but I believe can be recreated easily and therefore this video has inspired me with ideas for use in my own work. I found the video when it was a suggested on YouTube, I decided to watch it as I have heard of the artist before and liked some of his previous tracks. I feel watching it over YouTube influenced me to watch more of it than I would have perhaps whilst flicking through music channels on TV. This then meant I then watched the entire video and had the ability to read comments about it, look at its like/dislike ratings and other information about the song. Conventions of the genre of the song (Grime) that I recognize within the video are firstly, the costumes. The dancers in the background are dressed in all black, baggy clothing with trainers - this is a style often associated with other grime artists such as Skepta and fans of the genre. Other conventions are the way in which the artist moves when performing, with arm movement and 'swagger', alongside references to money - typical of the genre. It departs from the conventions of the genre in some ways, for example, the setting of the video is in what appears to be a school gym - whereas usually videos similar to this will be shot on the streets, in clubs etc. My guess would be that this video is designed to appeal to existing fans of the genre, whilst also attracting new audience members due to it's unique style. The target market would be approximately 14-24 year old male and females in my opinion. The text assumes that you are this kind of person, by using slang such as 'mug', 'spitters' etc - words that don't tend to be understood by people that aren't grime fans or are old enough to not talk like it. The lyrics make reference to events and people that the audience are expected to know, such as 'Shaq at Saxon' and 'Micheal Jackson' which relates to assumptions that are made about age (assuming that the audience are old enough to know about these events). The video does not shift in style at all throughout, it maintains a consistency by having the same camera angle, costumes and performers which is unusual for a music video as the style tends to change - with different settings, costumes etc. Due to these elements I would say the video is fairly untypical, however it still does use the conventions of its genre so in some respects it could be considered typical.

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