Wednesday 12 October 2011

CD Cover 1st Draft

This is my first attempt at a CD cover for my digipack. As it is a draft, this time I imported a found image as I have yet to take photographs to use in my final cover. I searched for an image with a flat-peak hat being worn, in order to illustrate the genre. After this, I loaded the picture into Photoshop and using the lasso tool cut around the image. I then played around with effects to apply to the image, with the idea of using a silhouette type effect. I eventually settled on a static style effect, and then added text from and created a black border around the edges. Finally I imported the parental advisory logo in order to make the cover look legit.

1 comment:

  1. This seems a bit too simplistic, in that there's really nothing there. The album name is also the name of the band I'm assuming, which is alright but the font and the color doesn't seem to match the style of the rest. There should definitely be something to fill all that empty space, even if it's as simple as a background that isn't just a solid colour.
